Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nathanael's #2 Birthday

 Reading with Nana

I am 2!!!
and I learned how to show you with my fingers on my DAY!

The left hand is a little harder, but I got it by the end of the day...

Yah, I am pretty cool, really...

Birthday Boy says,
"Let's Eat"

Waving to my fans...
I do what I got's to do!....

Tiring most days, but hey it is the life of a wild and crazy two year old!!!

You expect me to conquer this...

I am up for the challenge, I mean why not, right?....

One for two.... it's all good!
 Don't worry, I got this!

You want a piece of me?
Hah! Fire, take that...
no match for this two year old!

Let's do the wave...
Praise Jesus, you know, get those hands in the Air...everybody!!!!!

Mommy, made me a couple of sock monkeys
because I start every day with a banana or two or three (especially if Nana and Papa are around)....

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