Saturday, January 12, 2013

Imagine if Obama were might hear a speech like this...
Oh the irony of this president...

Christmas and current

Christmas Morning 
Christmas Eve
New Pajamas
Sometimes you take what they give you...especially at bedtime

The next day at Virginia Beach

Nathanael's first food
Egg Yolk
Great first experience...but he did end up with egg on his face...pun intended :o)

This morning
Two teeth showing
He has two on top as well, and a fifth one trying to break through on top
Painful days lately, but he still manages to keep smiling

Thad in front of the fish tank at Virginia Living Museum

Exploring the wonders of the sea on Living Museum

Hannes this morning

Unannounced visitors get to see Hannes in this attire routinely these days...
Pantless and cowboy boots on.
When he goes around the house purely commando, no "accidents" happen.  Not sure when this will change for him, but for now "big boy pants" are mere thin diapers as far as he is concerned.

This is my latest "house blend"
Panama coffee beans
One medium roast (City+)
One French Roast (Full City +)
Ground together....French Press...4 minutes later, coffee paradise...
Coffee has become so much more than a hot tasty beverage (that's for you R Crooks)